50 (More) Things
I thought maybe it was time for a new one of these since my
100 Things is over a year old.
1. I am 5'5".
2. I would like to be one inch taller. That would be perfect.
3. In school, my shoe size was always the same as my grade. Until grade 9, I only made it up to a size 8 foot.
4. My favourite colour as a child was mint green.
5. I really don't like mint green any more. I had mint green overdose I think.
6. I grew up mostly on cattle farms.
7. I was born in Saskatchewan.
8. My mom's from Manitoba.
9. My dad is from British Columbia.
10. I've lived in four provinces, 1 territory, and two states (Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Alberta, Ontario, the Yukon, Maine, and Illinois).
11. I won two major writing contests in grade 6. I haven't really entered any since.
12. I love biking. Something about being able to go anywhere you want to with the wind in your hair.
13. I still bite my nails. It's a hard habit to quit.
14. I went to art college. I was a painting and fiber arts (weaving) major.
15. I usually don't tell people about the weaving part.
16. I once met another girl who had exactly the same birthday as me, her name was Michelle. I know this guy who has exactly the same birthday as me. His name is Steve.
17. If my name wasn't Michelle, it would have been Penelope.
18. I have brown hair.
19. I was switched shortly after birth.
20. They figured it out though, because the other baby was a boy.
21. I've never gotten a mark lower than a B since starting my graduate studies.
22. My parents gave all their children two middle names. Mine mean "grace" and "peace." They didn't do that intentionally.
23. I sang the part of first soprano in the Christmas musical this year.
24. When I was in high school I had over 100 pen pals.
25. I think the first concert I ever went to was a band called Hokus Pick.
26. There is a lily named after me.
27. When I was younger my parents raised tropical birds.
28. I am now allergic to bird dust and feathers.
29. I am 25.
30. When other people tell me they're 25, I think they're old.
31. I got my first CD player in 1999. I still have it.
32. I got my first stereo in 1990 for my 12th birthday. I still have it. I plug my discman into it. Cool, huh? ;)
33. I
like doing laundry.
34. I always know where everything is.
35. I don't really like chocolate chip cookies. I think I'm the only one.
36. I'm also the only person who doesn't like U2.
37. I love wheatfields and the night sky.
38. I pretty much always wear lavendar perfume.
39. People always tell me I'm funny. I tend to concur with this statement, but I think that's tacky.
40. I love mail. I love sending mail. I think the post is a generally all-round good thing.
41. April 24, 2004 will be my last graduation ever…maybe. I have an A.A. and a B.A. I'll be getting an M.A.
42. I currently have no plans for further formal education. Seven years is enough!
43. I was of the Class of '96.
44. My best friend in kindergarten was Rhea Yacyshyn. We still talk every once in awhile.
45. I had an elaborate plan to run away when I was about 10 years old. I was going to go to my Gramma's 800km away.
46. I really really really didn't like my full-time babysitter when I was 2. I was very glad when my mom got pregnant again and stayed home!
47. I like big city shopping but houses in the country.
48. I like snowflakes but not the cold that comes with them.
49. I like meat.
50. I love taking photographs.