Thursday, January 01, 2004

year in review

trip to edmonton. return to school. vermicelli noodles. maria. positional paper stress. exit interview. phone chats with joanne. counselling adolescents and their families. hypothetical surreal valentine's day. phone call. the ten commandments (silent and classic). trip to Gramma's. youth quake. switchfoot concert. film class. assignments. scrapbooking. spring smell. seattle? soul searching. root cellar roof. cleaning. graduation. goodbyes. month at home. return to camp. june. paperwork. biking. flower pictures. chapel decorating. swiss chalet. staff training. trip to holly's. daily crafts. prayer meetings. mcdonald's sundaes with carolyn in the parking lot. three weeks. weekend in muskoka. whistle. friday note. weekend at heather's. weekend at sarah's. much thought, much prayer. return. scavenger hunt. trip to barrie. much thought, much prayer. staff problems. last two weeks. tuck shop. oscar nights. blue dress. last day. good byes. hugs. exchanged words. msn. week in ajax. flight west. new home. jodi and rachel. grasshoppers. spiritual formation . retreat at echo lake. wheatfield pictures. t-shirt. dropped romans. philosophy of ministry and mission. jillian's visit. trips to moose jaw with jodi. junior high youth ministry (last class). chicken mcnuggets and cheeseburgers. papers. Christmas musical practices. four performances. mrrp proposal. assignments for philosophy. trip to taber. Christmas. rest.

(idea taken from neely)

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