Sunday, March 02, 2003

mary kate and ashley

my blog has continued to have a lot of traffic even in my absence of posting. people are still looking for jars of clay's "the valley song" lyrics. some of you found the link to the switchfoot concert photos. and someone apparently thought this blog would tell them whether or not mary kate and ashley olsen will spend forever with the Lord.

and, i was also told that a couple of people whom i personally know read my blog while i was away. i used to not put a lot of personal information on my blog so that someone specifically searching for me wouldn't randomly stumble upon it. i still don't post my last name. but if you're looking for a michelle from my school, or a couple of unique names that a couple of my friends have that i've posted about, or my know my camp name, then there is the likelihood that you'll find my my blog.

while it doesn't bother me that you found my blog and read it (hey, it's on the internet, anyone can read it), it does bother me that you read it with malicious intent... wanting to be able to find something that i had written in order to use it against me.

i can only think of one time i wrote something i wished i hadn't in my blog. i've thought about deleting it. but i wrote it and have learned from it. i think it should still be there, it's a part of my past.

i like blogging. i like writing down what i'm thinking, what i've been doing, what i've been finding out, what God's been teaching me, and i love the interaction that it brings from people all over the world. i love the internet friends i've been meeting through blogging, you guys are awesome! i love reading what God is doing in your lives. i think that my blog is a a tool that God is using in my life to help me become more Christlike.

in this crazy, messed-up world, it's amazing to me that there are still so many people out there actively seeking to follow the Father. His love is amazing and unending and never ceasing. two thousand years ago a virgin concieved and little baby was born who brought the gift of salvation to a needy world. this baby was Jesus Christ.

by reading this, you're joining in my journey. i don't know if mary kate and ashley olsen will spend forever with the Lord. but i know i will be. and it is my prayer that you will too.

"Find rest, O my soul, in God alone;
my hope comes from Him.
He alone is my rock and my salvation;
He is my fortress, I will not be shaken."

- Psalm 62:5, 6

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