Monday, March 03, 2003


tomorrow at 7:15am i will be doing something i don't often do that early in the morning... getting up. usually i get up around 10. but, a week of classes is ahead of me (i know, i know, i shouldn't be complaining, some of you guys get out of bed for classes 5 days a week 8 months of the year... me, my sleeping schedule is interupted three weeks of the semester). a modular system is nice (having classes 8-4 for a week straight instead of broken up over the semester), but i miss the daily interaction and schedule of college classes. i miss the gradualness of it all, i have a hard time being forced to learn so much in a week. i forget it so soon.

my old roommate heather, whom i talked to earlier this afternoon, phoned me tonight with a question and a compliment... "how do you stay in touch so well with people?" she and her friend terri were wondering if i have a schedule for sending out postcards to people. no, i don't. i just send them when i think of people.

which brings me to the question, sarah, has your postcard arrived yet? i hope so. if not, what did mr. postman do with it?

and, if any of my other readers out there would like a postcard of their very own, i'd love to send you one. email me your address. : )

and, have a great day. thanks for taking time out of it to read this.

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