Tuesday, August 22, 2006

The Random Interview Project 3: Sarah

This installment of The Random Interview Project Part Three comes from my good friend Sarah Yoshiki, and it is her first time participating in this project.

1. What is it that you miss most about being a child?
The simple act of playing. I still enjoy playing on a regular basis, but I miss playing without responsiblity. I am currently working at a daycare, I love playing with the toddlers in the sandbox :)

2. What is it that you like most about being an adult?
The freedom. The ability of choice. Gaining more knowledge, experiencing life and learning from the challenges and the joys.

3. If you could live the next year in another country, what country would you choose and why?
Hmm.. Tough question. I have travelled in the past and greatly enjoyed those experiences, yet I always was glad to return to beloved Canada. I like my country, I value and love those that are close to my heart, I would miss them very much. I think I would like to visit Japan, discover more of my heritage. That would be an interesting trip. But, for the time being, in this moment, my desire is right here, right where I am. To serve, to love and to grow in my relationship with Jesus in Canada :) Of course, each moment is different and tomorrow I could desire to live in

4. What are your top three favourite things to do on the weekend?
Camping... I enjoy most everything about camping. I love spending time with people, quality people and quality conversations :)
Hmm.. last thing. Relaxing, sleeping in.. reading :) I love getting lost in a book.

5.If you were given $10 000.00 tomorrow and only had 24 hours to spend it, what would you spend it on?
I definitely have debt from schooling, I would pay that off. Treat my family. Give it away to those in need. Tithe. Enjoy the moment.

6. What has been your most rewarding employment situation to date?
I have had many different jobs.. receptionist, maid, many office jobs, daycare worker, camp counsellor, census representative and support worker. All rewarding in different ways. However, to date, the most rewarding employment I have had would be Christian Horizons as a support worker. Christian Horizons is a Christian organization where people who have developmental, physical and mental disabilities find a home that supports their needs and helps them to be as independant as possible in their life situations. It is a challenge most days. It is filled with many moments of smiles, laughter, chaos, different smells... It is a job that humbles me daily. It allows me to appreciate life. It allows me to see others as unique, as equally important. It has and continues to be a learning experience. I love to serve and serve with the family that I have found there.

7. In ten years, where do you expect to be, and what do you hope to be doing?
Wow. Thirty-four years old. Hard to imagine. I can't even picture what my tomorrow will be :) Here are my hopes and dreams. I hope to be teaching in an elementary school. I hope to be married. I hope to have a family. I hope to continue to share life with those dearest to my heart. I hope to know more about life. I hope to know God more. I pray that I will continuosly be
challenged and encouraged in my faith. I hope to be following God where He leads. I hope that I will continue to look younger than what I am :) I hope a lot. I also know that God has the perfect plan for my life. I look forward to knowing a little bit more of that with each new day that I am blessed with. It is so good to be near Him. Psalm 73:28

8. What are you most looking forward to the rest of this calendar year?
Many different things. Mainly they all include spending time with friends and family. Celebrations. Relaxing. Laughter. Joy. Starting Teacher's College.

9. If you could only eat one meal for the rest of your life, what meal would you choose?
I'm extremely hungry right now, so this is a dangerous question... hmm.. it would have to include bacon, I love bacon! Chicken quesadilla, caesar salad, chocolate milk.. and for my sweet tooth.. apple pie with pralines and cream ice cream, my favourite .. and perhaps some chocolate of some variety :) I'm glad that this will never happen.. I would gain a lot of weight!! but I
would be a very happy girl ;)

10. What is one of the major life lessons that you've learned since finishing high school?
So many... This is a tough question... To live in the moment. To appreciate each day. To learn from each experience. To trust my heart. To know people more. To voice my opinions. To
dream. To grow in friendships and let go of others. To grow in who I am and to appreciate who that is. To trust God in all circumstances.

Thank you Michelle for letting my heart dream and write. It is always appreciated!
You have some very quality and challenging questions.

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