Sunday, October 24, 2004

Finding Greetings

The past few summers I have had the opportunity to visit a number of churches with different friends all over when I've been visiting them. It always interesting to note, as a church visitor, how friendly the church is and who actually takes the time to shake your hand, ask your name, or simply acknowledge your existence.

This morning I went to church by myself because the friend I was going to go with ended up sleeping in. I've been to this church twice before today, and I think it'll most likely be the church I end up going to permanently here.

At one time I never thought I would get to go "church shopping," mostly because I assumed I would be working in a church and the church I would go to thus would be the one where I had a job at. Alas, however, I do not work at a church and thus have had this opportunity to find a church home of my own.

I grew up in a smaller, non-evangelical, liturgical kind of church; however in high school I began attending a smaller evangelical church's youth group. At my first college I went to a bigger Baptist church with the relatives I was living with. Once in Bible college, I went to the ginormous community church that everyone on campus who didn't have a car went to. At that church, it was difficult to get to know anyone other than your college friends, and that was how it had always been.

I was beginning to think that that may be the case at the church I have been going to here, being a larger church with 400-500 people. However, the greeter at the door this morning actually talked to me, three people asked me my name, and one older lady named Mabel even took the time to ask me questions and find out who I actually am and where I come from. I cannot even count the number of times where the door greeter at different churches has either failed to shake my hand or has shook it loosely before diving into conversation with the regular congregant coming in behind me.

I like how the epistles start with a greeting. Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ. Paul was a good greeter. So many times we are complacent just to know those we know and encourage those who encourage us. I think however, as Christians, we are called to greet all with the love that Christ has shown us.

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