Thursday, September 02, 2004

Cat Tricks

So the cat that I'm looking after this week while I'm housesitting is on a diet. She gets two scoops of hard cat food a day, equivalent to about half a cup I would guess. Her hard cat food, by the way, happens to stink to high heaven. She wakes me up in the morning to inform me that she is staaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarving.

The cat food is kept on the landing.

And just now, when I walked up the stairs... there the cat was, smelling like cat food, and the lid to the cat food container was open.

But this cat food container isn't just a normal one. It's a ginormous Rubbermaid container. The cat gets into that and she can just gorge herself on the trough of freedom! The cat gets into that and she's in cat food heaven! The cat gets into that and she'll be as big as a dog!

Somehow I have to figure out how she got in it, and also, how to keep her out of it.

I wonder if this is a newly acquired cat trick, or if she does this all the time.

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