Thursday, March 11, 2004

Our Compliments

Yesterday I went shopping and I bought a box of chicken burgers based solely on the very tasty looking photograph on the box. They're the unbreaded kind, you know, the ones that almost look like a real chicken breast.

This afternoon at lunch time I decided to try one. Upon opening the box, I was met with a frozen product that was very unappealing.

Hmm? maybe, just maybe, I thought, the act of cooking could make this uninviting burger attractive, and hopefully, flavourful.

I cooked it. The smell wasn't so great. I opened the kitchen window. I opened my last can of ginger ale that I had saved from the two I brought back from home at Christmas. I needed some kind of a treat if the burger was going to be barfo.

I prepared the bun, sliced some tomato, and placed the prepared chicken patty inside. It actually looked pretty tasty. I went for my first bite.

Distinct chicken burger flavour. You know, distinct as in "This tastes like a cafeteria chicken burger and not like a real chicken breast." I don?t like cafeteria chicken burgers, and I definitely did not like this chicken burger. Usually I feel bad when I can?t finish eating something, but I definitely could not finish eating the whole patty. I ate the bun. I ate the tomato.

Rachel got home about an hour later.

"Wow, it sure smells like salmon in here. So, you had salmon for lunch, huh?"

"No, Rachel, I definitely did not have salmon for lunch."

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