Wednesday, December 31, 2003

goodbye yesterday

another year is drawing to a close, remember when 2003 held so much promise? although new year's eve carries celebration, it also brings introspection with it.

did i do everything i ought to have done? did i treat people how i should have? did i do all i could have? did i seize the day? did i celebrate and mourn at the right times? did i make a difference? did i have the right relationships? were there things i should have handled differently?

while i do think there is value in learning from the past, often i think that perhaps, instead of dwelling on the past and wondering how things should have been, we should look to the future.

what can i do that i ought to do? how should i treat people. seize the day. carpe diem. celebrate. mourn. laugh. cry. make a difference. be who i am meant to be. seek God's direction.

i started this post with something else... blogger ate it. i wrote about how i'm not sure where this next year is going. i'm trying desperately not to be anxious. His perfect plan will be revealed when it needs to be. when it's right.

thank you Father for your perfect love, your perfect timing.

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