Saturday, September 27, 2003


(random thoughts)

i came to the library to print out what i have so far for my presentation on monday (5 minutes on "The Letter to Jerusalem" by Jacob Jervell from a book called "The Romans Debate"... it's all about how Paul wrote Romans to ask the Roman congregation for their prayers when he went to Jerusalem to give the congregation there the money he had collected from the Gentile Christians *note: I am impressed that I actually know what it's about!)...

anyways, I would also like to point out that I actually do have a printer that holly sold me for ten bucks when she left school last year, but i can't get it to work. something to do with USB ports and drivers and all that stuff. maybe i'll figure it out eventually, but not now. i'm too busy. too much homework still to do.

so, i should technically get back to my house and work some more on homework... maybe (well, actually hopefully) get this presentation done so i can get on to the next assignment. i plan to be back once in the evening to check my email again.

and sometime this afternoon, i'm going to work on project mail-a-thon. i can't wait.

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