Saturday, February 21, 2009

Lost in Homework

I finished a homework project today that has been on the go since September or October. Well, I finished my part of it. There are still 3 other group members, and we have to compile it all together and make it a cohesive unit of lesson plans for grade 7 History, on New France.

I have so so so much due in the next couple of weeks and on through to the first week of April. And in the midst of that I'm supposed to be spending spring break in Myrtle Beach. Probably not a smart idea. Except for the warm weather part. It's always nice to have a wee break from the cold and snow.

Okay, back to work. Other stuff to finish. Oy.


Anonymous said...

1) Hooray for group projects! They are almost as painfully not-fun as fundraising-committee meetings.

2) You seem to be overly found of the word "wee."

3) What's with my sisters and all their excessiving travelling south? What are you guys, made of money?

Percy2626 said...

Sure wish I was made of money, then I wouldn't have to work!!! Hey, Jillian, we are planning to go to Hawaii for Christmas. If you want to come, you just need to pay your way there!

carol said...

Hang in there Michelle, you can do it! (Love that you're blogging again)

Anonymous said...

hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....

natasha said...

Spend spring break in Edmonton!