Sunday, September 07, 2008


Once again autumn is here and I've been noticing the first few leaves slowly start to fall. I'm also back in school (as of July) and just spent the last week in an elementary school starting my first practicum placement for teaching.

I've been getting into the swing of things. One of the things I really wanted to do this fall was do more of the things I love to do, so I've been slowly getting back to sewing and went to an art gallery and second hand store this weekend and spent some time with a few people I love.

I also put my first listing up on Etsy in over a year, check it out here. I've a few more items to list, hopefully I'll have them up in the next couple of days.

1 comment:

Percy2626 said...

Glad to see you are making purses and things again.

How was elementary school? What grade/s did you teach in?