Friday, December 08, 2006


It's been a busy day, but I did manage to put a few new items up in the shop. Last chance on any possible Christmas presents. :)


Amy said...

So I'm able to switch to Beta blogger. Should I do it???

Anonymous said...

i don't know amy... i just got this notice too on blogger and i've been wondering. actually i've been wondering since i first heard about it a long time ago. i tried doing some internet searches on reviews of it on friday but i came up with nothing. i was hoping to stumble across a blog or two of someone who had switched.

i'm mostly worried about having to do work on my template, but also too i heard somewhere it conforms all your archives to the same (current) template. i don't want my archives to change, i like it when they look all oldschool.

Amy said...

Thanks for the input, maybe I'll hold off a little...

We'll see. :)