Thursday, March 31, 2005

The Random Interview Project: Michael

This installment of The Random Interview Project comes from Michael. He's been reading my blog for what seems like forever, and happens to be the King of Quizzes and Questionaires.

He posted the answers here as well.

1. If you could live in a movie, which movie would you choose and why?
It would be Die Hard II because I want to be a hero and save people from evil and kick some evil butt.

2. If you could do any other profession for one year (and have all the skills to do it), what profession would you choose and why?Be a missionary overseas. Because I would love to get paid for sharing Jesus with people.

3. Please share with us one fond memory from your teenage years.It would be my freshman year at Southwest Baptist University. People were nice to me for a change.

4. What country would you most like to visit in the future?

5. What is the farthest you have travelled from home, and what is one memory of that trip?
I have been to the country of India four times. Seeing over 1000 people come to Christ.

6. What is your favourite Bible verse?
Daniel 3:17-18

7. What is your favourite quote?
"...all Christians should stand up and tell it like they see it. Let the chips fall where they will. Don't worry if the public doesn't even agree with your most basic assumptions. Your job is not to win. Your job is not to control this society. Your job is to say what God wants said." - John Piper

8. What are three things you love about the town you live in now?
1. My church
2. The new restraunt coming (Applebee's)
3. The ministry potential.

9. Do you have any pets currently? If you were to get a new one, what kind would you get and why?
Cats. Some saltwater fish. Because they are intresting

10. If you had the opportunity to meet a male movie star, which one would you want to meet and why?
Mel Gibson because he made The Passion.

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