Thursday, March 10, 2005

The Random Interview Project: Jodi

This first interview for The Random Interview Project, 2nd Round is from my friend Jodi. I've known Jodi for what seems like forever, but I actually met her in February 2000 when she was a mere high school student who came to my college for the large monstrosity that is known as Youth Quake. I was friends with her sister, and she says when we first started hanging out I talked about her sister all the time. Who would have known that we'd end up being roommates for our last year of school?

Now Jodi’s all graduated and stuff and is working as a children’s director at a church near Chicago.

"First of all, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Jodi Lea Mryna Chambers, I am cool and I live in Illinois. Michelle and I are friends because one fateful night in Caronport we sat in the lounge and eating Ramen Noodles and chatting it up. The rest is history."

1. What are three things that you particularly enjoy about Illinois?
I really like all the good shopping, mainly Kohl's department store; I really like that my apartment is right next to a paved bike trail that allows for nice, quiet walks through lovely areas of the city; I really like living by myself, I guess I just really enjoy my own company.

2. What are three things about Montana that you particularly miss now that you live in Illinois?
I miss mountains, water, and evergreen trees. I also miss my dad, my best friend Christy, and the people that really know me. This summer I know I will miss rodeos and hot cowboys.

3. What about being grown up and having a job and not being a student anymore do you dislike the most?
I dislike that I am one of the first of my friends to settle down and live a real life. So many my age are still dating random individuals that they meet and living life from day to day without a care of what the future holds. I feel very disconnected from that stage of life.

4. Please tell us about one of your favourite memories you have from your days as a humble Bible college student in the middle of nowhere.
Favorite memories of college days include: many trips to the Pil in subzero weather (one particularly memorable one included a shaggin' wagon), road trips to Montana with Keener Car Bingo, Running for Mayor, Worship in the Post Office, Dancing with Ian on the stage, our couch from 1972, and counting money with Michelle after a 3 hour Sunday afternoon nap.

5. If, for the next 24 hours straight you had to listen to one song on continuous repeat, and were only able to chose from Plumb's "Stranded" and John Mayer's "Daughters", which song would you choose and why?
Plumb in a heartbeat. First of all that song was obviously written for me my freshman year of colleg and John Mayer is the worst of the worst. I would rather be lost in a wolf-infested forest wearing meat pants than listen to that dreadful song.

6. What are you looking forward to most about in the next five years?
I'm looking forward to seeing these adorable kids that I teach grow up and get little personalities of their own. I look forward to getting a new car too.

7. What scares you most about the next five years?
It scares me that the spiritual training of so many children lies with me. I constantly wonder if I'm at the place with God where I need to be in order to truly teach the kids the things that they need to know in their first 12 years of life.

8. If you could have dinner with Martha Stewart, Dustin Resch, Grant McMillan, and Jennifer Lopez, what would you serve?
That would be so, so fun. Since I haven't cooked much in the last 8 months, I would have to say that I would order pizza from Rosati's because it's delicious and I wouldn't want the pressure of having to prepare something to get in the way of great conversation with Martha and Grant.

9. At this aforementioned dinner, who would you want to converse with the most and why?
Oh, I already kinda answered this. Well, I would like to hear about Jenni from the Bronx, but I would like to chat with Martha about her poncho, and Grant is always good for a laugh or two. Dustin I'm not so sure about, maybe I'll just arrange for Joanne to call so she can chat it up with him.

10. What is your favourite memory of me?
Hmmm...I have some gooders. And you'll kill me if I tell the one that I really want to about something that happened while you were in class. So I'll just say that one good memory was when you were cramming for finals while sitting on the can and you dropped your pen in the toilet and flushed anyhow. That was a chuckle. You better not edit my answers in any way! I will have big issues if you do not include my answers in their entirety.

Now I need to go to the Post office. I miss living somewhere where the post office ladies are nice and call you by name and tell you how nicely decorated the packages I send are.

Communication Terminated."

Here is Jodi's previous interview from Round One of this project.

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