Monday, November 22, 2004

Things Past, Things Present

Winter is slowly trying to arrive, and in the mornings when I walk out to my car I often find that I have to scrape off the windows first before I can drive anywhere. The leaves are all gone, and it has snowed a few times as well, but it never lasts for very often.

A sign I passed by yesterday let me know that there were only 35 days until Christmas. 2004 is almost over. It’s neat to look back on the year and think of all that has been accomplished… I finished my thesis, I passed my Seminary Oral Comprehensive Exit Exam, I graduated from seminary, I got my driver’s liscence, I spent another summer working at a camp near Toronto, I bought a car, I got a full-time job working at another camp in administration and outdoor education, and I finally finally moved into my apartment.

I'm sorry for my extreme lack of posting lately. I only have the internet at work, and obviously work has to take priority over non-work. And sometimes I don't have anything to say.

Carly called me a week ago, which was a nice surprise, not only because I had never spoken to her on the telephone before, but also because she reminded me of the wonderful good-ness of God. She's someone I've known through blogging for... oh, almost two years now I suppose, and have shared many IM conversations with, and I would also say, have learned much from. Thank you for your friendship Carly! You're still someone I think is a great person and someday I hope I actually get to meet you. It's neat to keep reading your blog and sharing this feeling of moving across the country to the unknown with someone else.

Thank you to the rest of you sharing this journey via the blogosphere. You are a blessing to me.

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