Saturday, September 18, 2004


Okay, so today I went and looked at an apartment. It had definite coolness potential, but was super-filthy (the previous tenant has not totally moved out or cleaned yet).

The shower is in the closet. Literally. Half of the closet is a closet, half is the shower.

The living room and kitchen are one room, and there's a fair-sized bedroom, and then there's the bathroom (sink and toilet). The bathroom was a very nice shade of blue or periwinkle of some sort. The kitcheny-part of the one room could definitely use some sort of wall paper. There's a big balcony outside. The view is okay. The bedroom had a good-sized window.

The rent is cheaper than most one-bedroom places around here from what I've found so far, but it is still more than I would like to spend. And I would have to track down furniture. And I'd be living alone. And it didn't have any laundry facilities.

I told the guy I'd think about it and let him know later this week. I am still hoping to find something better. I'd way rather live with someone. I am waiting to hear back from a lady that someone I work with knows about renting a room, she's to call me about when I can go and see it. It is farther from work but is in a bigger town so that is a good/bad thing depending on how you look at it.

I'm planning on going to church tomorrow. I've never had to church-hunt before. Could be interesting.

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