Saturday, August 28, 2004

What A Girl Wants

Back in high school, it was my ambition to find an uber-cool college to go to and have a cool major and cool friends and cool room to end all cool rooms and the potentiality to meet Mr. Right.

What I ended up with was a year (and later, another half-year) at a dressed-up community college taking "Visual and Creative Arts: Fine Arts and Crafts) living in my aunt and uncle's basement (in a room with two drywalled walls, one fake brick wall, and a cedar wall... an oddly shaped little room with a delphinium blue metal bed, a blue dresser, and a mint green dressing table that tried to persuade me and others that in all actuality it really was a desk; and at the same time it single-handedly won the grand prize for consistently being the coldest place on the planet, beating out even Antarctica and the middle of Siberia most nights). The cool friends I ended up with were a bunch of 18 year old girls striving to not remain a virgin for too much longer and pick up smoking as an addiction rather than just a habit to fit in with everyone else.

After a year I left and transferred to Bible college, my school was a bit cooler and more well-known amongst Christian circles... but I'm not sure being stuck in the middle of Saskatchewan with no wheels was exactly the best scenario. After a semester of being ill there, I transferred back to my previous school for one more semester. Then I went back to Bible college and my transferring days were over, I stayed there for 5 years (finishing college and seminary both) and ended up with my associate of arts degree, my bachelor of arts degree, and master of arts degree, but most of you already know that. Both schools I had cool majors at, so I accomplished that in life. Bible college and jobs in between led me to coming to know a lot of cool people whom I am still blessed to call friends.

My last three years of Bible college I had the corner room in my dorm, which was the biggest room, and my bed wasn't attached to the wall like everyone elses' in the whole dorm, so my room was cool. My first year of seminary I was very happy with my cool room as well, in a house with 6 others it was fun to be out of dorm and have our own rooms. I loved that room. I loved that house.

Now my post-secondary education is all over (I think. At least I hope it is), and now I'm on the hunt for a job and somewhere to live and all that jazz. I still want cool friends and a cool place to live and the potentiality to meet Mr. Right wherever I end up. Maybe I've met him already... I don't know. I am looking forward to that day when I actually figure out who he is.

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