Saturday, August 28, 2004

Extracting Information

Ever wonder if your friend actually likes someone but just hasn't told you about it yet? Feel free to use the following IM conversation tactic:

michelle says: so... what about you and what's-his-face
michelle says: how's that going?
AJ says: what's-his-face?
michelle says: yeah... i forget his name
michelle says: you know who i'm talking about
AJ says: reginald?
AJ says: that whats his face?
michelle says: who's reginald?
AJ says: oh never mind
michelle says: ooooooooooo
AJ says: he's a guy at school
michelle says: how are things going? since there is a what's-his-face
AJ says: it's not like there's anything there... i just think he's cute and that's about it... we say hi when we see each other in the halls and stuff
michelle says: oh. so are you friends and stuff?
michelle says: FTMO?*
AJ says: no definitely not ftmo
AJ says: it's more of an acquaintance type of deal
michelle says: ooo
michelle says: well, that could work into an FTMO type of deal
michelle says: work your magic amanda
michelle says: ;)
AJ says: right michelle my magic!
michelle says: for sure, you've got it.

* Under no circumstances is the author of this blog promoting FTMO behaviour.

Names have been changed to protect parties involved.

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