Sunday, July 25, 2004

You Can Rake a Shag Carpet

One of the things I've learned lately is that at one time, back when shag carpets were all the rage, you could buy shag rakes to rake it and keep it fluffy.  Who would have thought?

I've been learning a lot lately.  Or maybe I'm just waking up to reality.  It's a strange thing when that happens.  Kind of like life has always been there but you have been strangely unaware.

Life continues on.  Things change.  I'm thankful to God that he's got it under control and knows what he's doing.  I don't know what state I'd be in if I didn't know that.

Have you ever seen a bright pink shag carpet?  I did.  Yesterday.  One that was vibrant and still full of life and blissfully ignorant to the fact that time was passing it by... and it kept shining on as lovely as the day it was installed. 

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