Saturday, May 01, 2004

Interview #5

Interview #5 in this series comes from Neely of Unquenchable Songs and Endless Praise:

1. What are three characteristics of your ideal job?
That I would be able to serve God and others through whatever means God has made possible, that I don't have to interact with nature or animals much (allergies), and that I get to be a part of a dedicated team that works well together.

2. If you could go back and change how you've spent your years of post-secondary schooling so far, would you, and if so, to what?
For a long time, I wasn't happy that I went to Bible college first rather than some sort of technical training. But now, I'm happy and I know that God has me at my school for a purpose.

3. What was the hardest decision you ever had to make?
Probably decide whether I was supposed to go to university or to Bible college. It was tough because I had early admission to university and all of my friends were going there too but God had different plans for me, so off I went on my own :)

4. Tell us about your favourite pair of shoes:
I'm a minimalist so I only have a few pairs of shoes. My favorite pair would have to be my old sneakers. I've had them since high school and they're still in pretty good shape. I love that there's paint stains on them from my missions
trip a few years back.

5. Which relative of yours are you most like and why?
Oooh, that's a toughie. I'm like both of my parents in that I'm incredibly stubborn. I refuse to give in unless I have to and I've proven wrong (which happens quite a bit). I think I'm more like my dad in that I used to be a tomboy and did stuff like work with tools and fix things. That might explain why I volunteer in technical arts :)

6. If I were to meet you in person tomorrow, what do you think I would be most surprised to learn?
I think you'd be most surprised because you wouldn't think that the person behind the blog is actually me. Wait, you might but that phrasing sounds funny so I'll keep it. Let's just say that you would indeed be surprised if you were
to meet me.

7. What is your favourite CD/cassette tape/record of all time and why?
Just one? Anything of Starfield's probably. Their self-titled one, "Tumbling After" and for sure their latest release on May 18th.

8. When you think "grade 8", what is the first memory that comes to mind?
Dance classes. I loved dance class, except the teacher didn't really like me and my friends so even if we auditioned for a piece, she would always give it to someone who didn't even show up for the audition. She was also obsessed with
Madonna so we had to listen to Madonna every time we warmed-up. Other than that, it was a great year filled with performances and fun.

9. Pretend for a moment that you had the choice to grow up in another city, anywhere in the world. What city would you want it to have been?
I would have wanted it to be something in Quebec so I could be fluent in French and still maintain my Canadian citizenship. It's the best of both worlds!

10. If you could change anything about today, what would you have it be?
Well... nah I won't get into that. Today was a great day. I know I have to read a ton of novels but I went out and rented some movies, so that was a nice break from all the work I've had to do over the weeks. I guess I should get
back my books now but this interview was a lot of fun!

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