Wednesday, April 28, 2004


I'm about to break 16 000 unique page views on this site. I attribute this to the following factors:

1. This site is the #17 search result on Yahoo for "michelle".

2. This site is the #9 search result on Google for "michelle johnson". (It's odd to me how you can be so high up in the search ranks on a miss-spelling of your name).

3. This site has also had 84 visitors alone searching for the query "scary websites." I hope I disappoint.

4. Eleven people have surfed in searching for information on the "molson canadian mastercard." You're supposed to get a free hat when you use it... but just to let you know, you don't.

5. Most websearchers get here looking for Jars of Clay or Starfield lyrics.

6. The fact that people have come here looking for "instructions to make moose origami" (I can't even make a paper crane!), "pretty in pink pictures" (I posted on the movie once I think, but sorry there were not any photos), "purchase kurt nilsen cd" (talk to someone else, I don't have any info, sorry), "coorel" (you know you want to buy pirated software when you can't spell...), and "how to knit cables" (find a book, it might be easier) makes me chuckle.

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