Wednesday, April 28, 2004

Interview #1

Well folks, I have officially recieved back my first interview. And let it be known it was recieved back from the last person to request an interview.

Without further adieu, here is the interview of the speedy Jodi Chambers of former roommate fame:

"First of all, I would like to state that filling out these questions makes me feel like a superstar.

1. Of all the jobs you've had so far in life, which one was your most favourite and why?
Considering the various career paths that I have journeyed down in this life of mine (all 22 years of it), I would have to say that I am torn between two and so you get two answers.

1a: Governor's Cup staff, it is my most favorite because I got to work with Marty and we would gamble daily regarding important things such as how many cheese nips a male hand can hold. It's fun to see all the runners every year and I really like administrativey stuff.
1b: Resident Assistant, Lewis Apartments. I liked being an RA because it was cool to play an influential role in the life of wee little freshman and see their lives change over the course of the year.

2. Thinking about the year ahead, what are you most looking forward to?
Since I'm living at home again, I'm looking forward to being able to use soft TP again. We always bought the hard, sand-paper stuff at school because it was cheapest, but my mom goes for the gusto and now I use nice Cottonelle...mmmmm.
Michelle's Note: I was unaware of the fact that we bought "cheap tp." I thought we bought the good stuff. It was Purex I think. You know, the kind with the little pillows printed on it.

3. Thinking about the year behind you, tell us about two of your favourite memories of it:
Good chats in our room at 117 Cottonwood (we had separate beds). Oh, I just realized that I was supposed to limit my answer to two favorite...I thought I got to share all of my favorite. Let's just say....time spent with friends (especially Michelle, Keith, Sebastien, and Josh) and time spent with God.

4. If you could go back and change anything about your high school years, what would you change and why?
I really liked high school. Now that I have discovered my keen sense for home video-making, I probably would make a few more home movies. I would have gone on the Mexico mission trips for the right reasons and I would have pet my dog more often before my parents killed him.

5. If you had a baby tomorrow morning at 6:42am, what would you name it and why?
Is it a boy or a girl? And am I in labor right now because I sure don't feel anything? This pregnancy thing isn't so bad...I would name a girl: Natalie something--because it's a good name...not the something part, just the Natalie part...I'm at a loss for a middle name. And for a boy: Nathan Isaiah--because it's cool or the name Jacob is always quality too. Is there anyone out there named Mark? Are you normal? Just curious...
Michelle's Note: I would like to suggest "Michelle" as a middle name. Just a suggestion though.

6. Do you like cheese?
YES! Cheese is a diet supplement.

7. What are four of your favourite things about your homeland?
I changed it to four because four is more....Mountains, lakes, trees, and my dad.

8. What are three things you will miss about Canada the most now that you have returned to the land of Swiss Miss and 24-hour Wal-Marts?
Was this survey made personally for me???? Ah...that's so nice. The three things I miss the most are:
1. Keith
2. Michelle
3. Free long distance after 6pm

9. What relative are you most fond of and why?
My dad, because he is the greatest. He is the greatest example of a humble and kindhearted servant of Christ. He is a hard-worker and finds joy in whatever he does. He is passionate and truly a man after God's own heart.

10. If you could pick a new dog out, what kind of dog would you chose and why?
Other than the obvious...redbone hound named Russ (may he rest in peace). I would pick a black lab (similar to my neighbor's puppy) and I would name him Jake (after my good looking neighbor)....why? oh....I got side-tracked, I don't know why. Because it's 12:18 and I should be sleeping and everyone who reads this is going to think I'm a mental case and I'm going to be sent to Shady Pines. Really folks, I'm normal. Trust me.


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