Tuesday, March 09, 2004

Shout Out Loud

Copying Neely, I'm going to do a few "shout outs" of my regular reads, so here goes:

Andrew Careaga: Andrew is like, a real-live celebrity. Well, maybe not celebrity, but he's a real-live author. I found his blog after finishing a big paper on internet ministry that he actually asked to read.

Cameron Lawrence: I found through Sarah Hatter's blog, I love his writing style. He tells a great story. And, he even links me, which flabergasts me.

Carly Bishop: I found Carly via comments she left back on Jason Killingsworth's oldschool blog back in the day in January 2003. I love Carly's writing style as well, and it's been cool getting to know her via MSN Messenger and email a bit.

funkypancake: I think I found a link to funkypancake via someone I clicked through off of Stacey George's blog. I love the randomness of his posts and the fun found stuff. Reading his blog makes me notice more of the world around me.

Holly Skelton: My former house-mate and chum of almost 4 years, Holly once stated "I will never have a blog." I think those words haunt her and that's why she doesn't post too often. She doesn't want to look "uncool." ;)

Jake Murdock: I'm not sure how I stumbled upon Jake's blog, I think maybe he stumbled onto mine first... but I can't remember at all. I like reading his perspective on different topics, and he's sent me some pretty cool stuff in the mail. Who doesn't like real mail? :)

Jen Kibler-McCabe: I have "known" Jenni for what seems like forever. She sent me a postcard when I was 15 from finding my address in an "fb" I think (? I'm not too sure where she found my address, but we were both big pen pal-ers) and have pretty much kept in touch since... via mail and internet, and eventually we found each other's blogs. Kinda neat how that happened.

Kathleen Reilly: Kathleen's old blog was the first blog I ever stumbled onto, after doing a websearch looking for some Caedmon's Call lyrics. She inspired me to start to blog. :) I'm glad she's back at blogging a bit after a long absence.

Neely: Neely stumbled upon my blog back in the spring when looking for Starfield lyrics, and later started blogging. I can remember her leaving comments over the summer when I wasn't able to blog much and checking out her site briefly and wishing I had more time to read more. Since then, it's been awesome getting to know her a bit and reading her blog daily... Neely's awesome!

Peter & Rebecca Wood: I think Rebecca found my blog through Kathleen's blogroll, and linked me... and eventually left comments. :) Rebecca has sent some fun snail mail my way as well.

Rachel Fisher: Rachel has an awesome blog, and it's cool to talk to her on MSN while she's already living in the next day (she's from New Zealand). I love reading what she's up to, and she has always been an encouragement to me.

Ryan Wiedmaier: I came into contact with Ryan through Carly... he started commenting away and still does every once in awhile. It's been awesome seeing him grow over this past year. And I loved it last spring when I was at home not doing much for a month between school and working at camp for the summer and I pretty much talked to him every morning.

Sarah Hedges: Sarah I found through a link on Tim Kang's blog, whom I found off of Blogger's most recently updated. I have loved reading her blog over the past year... I've seen her blogging change and her faith grow. I think she'd be an awesome person to meet some day.

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