Tuesday, March 09, 2004

False Alarm

I have gotten two emails in the past week "from" my email service's administration, saying something similar to the following:

Some of our clients complained about the spam (negative e-mail content) outgoing from your e-mail account. Probably, you have been infected by a proxy-relay trojan server. In order to keep your computer safe, follow the instructions.

For details see the attached file.

I assume the attached file is some sort of a virus.

I don't understand virus spreaders. Why do they waste their time spreading viruses? They never ever really get the satisfaction of seeing the effects of their viral programming on other people, other than in the news sometimes I suppose.

And spammers, how do they actually make any money? Who actually clicks on the links amidst all the stupid typos designed to get through filters? I guess, sure, it costs pretty much nothing to send a million spams... however it takes awhile for the million recipients to sift through the spams they've recieved.

Yesterday I got an email selling mortgages that had the same senders name as someone I actually know. I wasn't fooled, he would never send me an email with a subject line about mortages, but I did find it quite humourous.

I wish there was really something that we, as a collective whole, could do to get rid of spam. I hate it. I just want real emails. I just want to know that someone out there really cares.

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