Tuesday, March 02, 2004


There has started to be a little buzz about a movie other than The Passion lately, and I'm sure the buzz will only get bigger when the movie comes out. Saved! stars Jena Malone and Mandy Moore.

This is what CPYU has to say about this movie in a page about Mandy Moore:

"But up next is Saved!, a film which will be released in February and is bound to stir up a lot of controversy. Moore jumped at the chance to play one of the female leads in this dark, satirical comedy that takes place in a Christian High school. Produced by R.E.M.'s Michael Stipe and directed by Brian Dannelly, the movie features a student (Jena Malone) who gets pregnant by a gay classmate, and is then ostracized by her friends, including Moore's character who is the All-American popular Christian girl with an inner evil streak. The character uses her Christianity to manipulate those around her. The movie is sure to be criticized by many Christians, but may also have a lot to say about judgementalism and the concept of grace. Moore says the movie has a positive message, however Stipe describes it as a "vampire high school kind of movie...only here the monsters are Jesus-freak teenagers."

Click here to view the trailer.

Link for the trailer found via Andrew Careaga.

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