Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Random Thoughts

a) I'm at the library working on the "literature review" of my MRRP, but I'm not really all too sure of the direction it is to be going. I took a class called "Research Design" last fall that aimed to tell you how to go about writing your MRRP. A couple of weeks ago the school just announced it?s new program requirements, and students are no longer required to take Research Design. I feel bad for all those students who in the future shall be writing their MRRPs totally and completely lost and not just half-lost like me.

b) I wish I had the internet at my house because it is so much easier to type and be able to look stuff up online when you need to check your facts.

c) But if I had the internet at my house I would spend too much time on it.

d) I lucked out and got a computer with MSN Messenger on it tonight at the school computer lab, but there isn't anyone online that I really want to talk to. Perhaps that's a good thing because I am sure I'm getting more work done.

e) My Mom phoned me tonight and told me that the family I lived with the summer I was a church youth intern in Illinois sent me a care package full of candies and other good stuff. The only problem is they sent it to my home address and not my school address. Oh well, I guess I can enjoy the goodies when I go home for a week after grad the last week of April.

f) I got my winning copy of 54-40's Since When in the mail the other day from Ben Squires over at Music Spectrum. Thanks Ben!

g) I have the flu. Or a cold. Or something crummy like that. I don't like being sick. But, I think this might be the first time I've been sick this whole school year. And, gee, what a great time to be sick when my entire M.A. hangs in the balance pending handing in my MRRP and successfully completing my oral comprehensive exam, both on April 1st.

h) I don't understand the whole concept of putting yourself on "Away" whilst on MSN Messenger. Why don't you just sign yourself out?

i) It's interesting how quickly time passes by.

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