Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Call Me Old Fashioned

I have read about Friendster a few times on a few blogs here and there around the blogosphere. Friendster claims to be "an online community that connects people through networks of friends for dating or making new friends." The whole concept makes me chuckle. Why would I need an "online community" to connect me through networks of friends to date or make new friends? Why can't I just meet friends the old fashioned way? Maybe this is just the new way and I'm not hip? I'm not exactly sure.

It's odd though. That's what I'm sure of. Especially when I got this in my inbox:

Lyre Orcajada has invited you to join Lyre's personal and private community at Friendster, where you and Lyre can network with each other's friends.

I don't know anyone named Lyre Orcajada. And I definitely don't want to be part of any community that encourages networking for dating and new friendships when I don't even know the guy who wants me to join.

I think he's just using me to get to my friends.

So be thankful I'm protecting you all.

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