Friday, March 12, 2004


So, yesterday I officially switched to Hotmail for my main-this-is-where-you-email-the-real-me address, you know, the one I give to all my friends... because I was getting way too much spam at my old one. So yesterday I emailed everyone I know to let them know, and I told them to email me at my Hotmail address so I would know they got the email. A subtly sneaky way to get real emails, even though they're short.

But today of all days, Hotmail's service is "temporarily unavailable"! Argh!

FYI, I'm still recieving blogmail at dialog at briercrest dot com... but if you want my Hotmail address (also my MSN address) and don't already have it, email me at dialog and I'll send it to you.

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