Friday, February 06, 2004


"Also, I would like to point out right now that your life is quite possibly the most random of any individual I know."

Just right now?

The longest I have ever lived in a single place was eight years, between the ages of ten and nineteen. It was on a farm near a little French town in southern Manitoba. Before that I had moved three times. However, since March 1997, I have lived in 8 different provinces and states.

When I was a kid, I loved moving. Moving meant a whole new chance to:

a) perhaps get your own room
b) get a whole new set of friends who could potentially be cooler than your last set of friends
c) maybe, just maybe, end up having that perfect life like Jessica and Elizabeth had in Sweet Valley Twins.

My family moved after I finished high school, and they've been in the same place ever since, almost for the past seven years now. Well, my parents have stayed in the same place. The children they bore have all since moved on and around and around again.

I've been to college in Ontario and Saskatchewan. I've had jobs in Maine, Illinois, the Yukon, and Ontario. I've travelled 101 hours by bus (straight), been to Manhattan Island, flown sixteen times, been up the CN Tower, been to the Art Institute of Chicago, been to Maine's Shakespearean Theater, stayed in Whitehorse, seen a Cardinals game in St. Louis, and have even been stung by a jellyfish in Corpus Christi, Texas.

I have been many awesome places, seen many interesting things, done a lot, and met many many great people.

But I'm still searching for a place to call home.

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