Sunday, February 29, 2004

Happy Leap Year

I'm back... working on yearbook tonight I've finished all I can on the last 4 pages of the year, I still have to wait for to get the "real photos"... I've used all the digital ones that I can. So, now I'm using the internet while I can here in the yearbook office. :)

Youth Quake was great... I had an awesome time. A church from the town where I work at camp in the summer in Ontario brought 64 people, most of whom I knew, so it was great to see a lot of friends here! Neat to hang out with people in a different setting. I can't wait to go back to Ontario and see everyone again this summer.

I've found that a wonderful thing about not being on the internet for 3 days does something magical... pretty much everyone has updated. :)

I was trying out the Bloglines thing, in hopes that it would save me time from having to surf to all the sites I like to frequent to see if they've updated. But, I've found that Bloglines isn't very up-to-date, it takes a while for it to catch on that someone has updated. I suppose that is due to the RSS/XML feeds and not Bloglines, but whoever's fault it is... makes me not like Bloglines all so much. And you also miss the "design experience" of a blog when you read blogs through a service like that. And the blogs don't get the hits that they would with you surfing to their site.

Anyways, that is all for now. I'm tired. I should finish what I'm doing and go home to bed. Have a good night and day everyone. I will talk to you more tomorrow.

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