Monday, November 03, 2003

junior high memories

so this week i am taking a class called "junior high ministry," a class that is offered as both a college and seminary elective. there are about 26 people in it i think.

this morning, first thing off, we were asked to fill out these little sheets entitled "What I was Like In Grade 7". They included such tidbits as, you know, favourite teacher, worst teacher, best friend, most embarassing moment. Everyone knows that junior high is pretty much cruddy for everyone.

i was sitting beside this 30 year old lady, who is in the college, and she freaked out when i leaned over to read hers. golly. you don't need to make a scene in class. we don't need any more junior high moments re-lived for anyone.

we then had to get together in small groups of 3-4 and discuss who we were as junior high students. you know, the stuff we wrote on our sheet, and then compare that to junior high students today. miss aforementioned was a little testy and did not want to share anything of her "horrible junior high experience" with anyone.

hmm... i don't know if it's too much to ask that you should have worked through your issues from junior high if you are going to be in a class on ministering to junior high students. you shouldn't still think that you are the only one who had a bad experience at that age. i don't think it's really very healthy at all to still have those issues bottled up inside.

or am i the only one who thinks that?

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