Saturday, April 12, 2003

wet hair walking around

so today i was awake at 9am, which is highly unusual for me… i mostly just lounged around before noon, listening to my new Plumb cd, and then i finally got up and showered and did my hair (which is a big deal…).

i was thinking about this the other day. in the morning, i shower, comb my hair, put in a little gel so the top isn't frizzy… and go. like go out with it still wet. hey, it dries eventually. but yesterday i was wondering… does anyone else do this? i never notice anyone else with wet hair walking around. but do people notice me with wet hair walking around?

two summers ago when i went down to southern illinois to do my internship for college, i stayed at my aunt and uncle's in chicago for a week beforehand. i can remember my aunt telling me it was improper to go out with wet hair, and that i really should let her buy me a hair dryer. she doesn't have any kids, and her only nieces and nephews are me and my two sisters and brother… and i'm the only one who has ever been to her house… and she always has this compulsion to buy me stuff whenever i go there. but i always feel weird. i don't like people buying me stuff like that.

anyways, i have digressed. she told me it was improper to go out with wet hair. but not even once that summer did i blow dry my hair. and i worked in a church six days a week. i now own a blow dryer, but i have literally used it maybe three times in the past four months, which is a new world record for me.

will i ever be a big hair drying person? i don't think so. not unless i get a job that requires it i suppose. it takes too much time… why waste all that time drying it when it will do it itself anyways? my hair looks better when it dries naturally anyways. blow drying kills your hair.

and in the winter when it's freezing cold outside it's kind of neat to have frozen hair. and for those of you who have never had the experience, when you come inside with frozen hair, it dries super quick after that. very very handy trick to know, trust me.

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