Thursday, April 10, 2003

one last thing

"From the east I summon a bird of prey;
from a far-off land, a man to fulfill my purpose.
What I have said, I will bring about;
what I have planned, that will I do."
- Isaiah 46:11

i was going to go to bed, but then i thought i would post one last thing today.

i've been really disappointed in my entries lately, wondering how well my thoughts are coming through and what i'm actually sounding like to others.

the last few days have been tough for me. mostly because i try to stay in control of things and worry too much. the low self esteem of my junior high years resurfaces with a vengance and doesn't let go of it's ironclad grip.

but i know the One who holds my future solely in His hand. He's got it under control... i just have a problem letting go and letting Him have the control. i want to be in charge of my future. but why? i know that if i was things would go terribly and nothing would be as it should.

God, I want to give it all to You.
I want You to take my hopes and fears and do with them what You will.
You know my heart.
You know what's best for me.
I don't know what's best.
Help me, Lord, to give you the reigns.
Take my anxious heart Father.
Take my fears and relieve them.
Take my feelings of helplessness.
Help me to let go.
Help me to care for those around me.
Help me to love.
Help me to be loved.
Help me to be vulnerable.
Thank You for Your Love.
Thank You for Your grace.
Thank You for Your unending blessings.
Father, I release it to You.

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