Sunday, April 13, 2003

beautiful day

amazing how a beautiful day can start out so utterly terribly horribly. i used to have this book when i was a kid, actually, i probably most likely still have it somewhere, called "alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day." anyways, today started like one of those days, but it didn't end like that. i like redemption.

nothing terribly fabulous happened today... i went out for Greek food with the yearbook staff, i went scrapbooking with holly and rachel, i went to the student families and seminary BBQ with maria, i came back home, scrapbooked some more, watched some tv (it's stanley cup time... i watched my obligatory game for the year!), talked to holly and joanne, fiddled around on the net...

added some new blog links. the more cool blogs i find out there the sadder i am because i don't have time to read them all all the time. i love investing time in relationships with people, but there is only so much time you can give to such relationships.


(crudbuckets of course is another of the many words (or so i'm told) in my blog that you might scratch your head at trying to ascertain the meaning of... most i don't even realize are "unique-to-michelle" words. i think i make up words a lot but use them so often i don't realize it, and my friends pick them up and use them too so then they seem even more-so natural... anyways, "crudbuckets" is a term you would use when something is cruddy, when something is not as you would like it to be, when things aren't up to par like you want. used in exclamation).

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