Monday, March 24, 2003

i meant to post this entry last night (Sunday), but didn't have time to connect to the internet, so here it is this afternoon.

still to be, yet to come

today was a long day. Joanne got back from Banff and showed me all of their digital pictures so that was fun, and lots of people came over in the afternoon and evening.

i talked to my older sister this afternoon, i haven't talked to her since Christmas. i talked to my younger sister yesterday evening…usually i don't talk to my siblings very often any more. we used to keep in touch a lot by email but this past year have been not so great at keeping in touch. i also have a brother by the way, but his dorm is weird and they don't have phones in their rooms, just a hall phone for outgoing calls. i'm the second of four children, my older sister is three years older, my other sister is three and a half years younger, and my brother is five years younger.

a good friend told me this afternoon that her and another friend had been talking about our housemates and decided that they could definitely see me getting married in the future and having cool kids. so that was nice to hear, i guess.

and then another friend told me this evening, when we were just talking about something random and totally unrelated, that i should go to this camp in the States this summer and work there (it's actually somewhere i had thought about working this year)… and that i was definitely someone that should be in the U.S. i said "what? i'm Canadian!", and she said "i know, but you belong in the States. i found this very interesting.

i love my country. i used to always think that Canada was the superior country. but then, after i had spent a couple of summers in the US, i came to the conclusion that our two countries are pretty much the same, one isn't superior over the other. why do Canadians get so uptight about being a better country? why do Americans think they're the superior country?

i don't really care what country i end up living in in the end. if i ended up marrying an American, i wouldn't mind if we lived in either country, but i would want my kids to have an opportunity to live in both countries.

this post has ended up really evolving and i'm not sure if i have really said anything i wanted to say when i started writing this. what i wanted to say is i'm excited about where God is taking me. this is such a grand journey we're on here… and i hope that the best of me is still to be and yet to come. i'm looking forward to looking back on life and thinking i didn't miss a thing, i accomplished and did everything i was meant to.

"I'd like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve"
- John Mayer

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