Sunday, March 09, 2003


so i was wondering about the incredible amount of spam that i've been recieving in my two main email accounts, so i decided to start a new email account and post it on my webpage and in comments on other pages to see if that maybe was where the fault was, if perhaps my email address was being harvested somehow off of one of these sources... and indeed it was. because i haven't signed up for anything with this email address.

i hate spam. you hate spam. we all hate spam. even pete hates spam (pete being the aforementioned allegorical representation of all of us). who opens spam anyways? only very rarely am i fooled into opening spam by very clever spam addresses that have the exact same names of friends of mine or who have a very clever subject line. but not often.

how do they make money off of this cruddy spam anyways? i don't understand it. well, i guess it costs virtually nothing to send spam, so if they send a bajillion copies of an email and just one person opens it and buys whatever the crud it is that they are selling, then they've made a profit.

but i never buy anything on the internet. i don't want your spam. keep it out of my inbox. i hate having to start new email addresses because i get too much spam. it's cruddy.

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