Sunday, March 09, 2003

computers, memories, and marriage

i just spent the past hour helping joanne with an online application for a summer job... and when we tried to get it sent, it kept getting an error message. so, hopefully, it somehow got through. it was perfect. well, maybe not perfect, but it was pretty sweet.

anyways, after church this morning i spent the afternoon on the phone with my friend jessica from high school, well, actually, we spent grades 5-12 together. but anyways, it was fun talking to her and catching up on all her news and what everyone else from our class has been up to. i haven't seen her in four years, but thankfully we still talk a couple of times a year. she still lives in manitoba, i however moved away almost six years ago. it's so so very very weird for me to think that i graduated almost 7 years ago now. i'm getting too old!

we chatted a bit about how we both aren't married, and how sometimes we wish that wasn't so, but then she told me about all the people from high school who are getting divorced after being married for only a year or two, and how so many have messed up marriages. it's pretty sad.

i want to be ready for marriage when i actually get to that point in my life. i know i'm not ready right now. i don't want to find out later on down the road that i shouldn't have gotten married. God wants our marriages to be for life! He doesn't want us to take our commitment to another person so lightly.

somewhere out there is my husband. i pray for him often. but i don't pray for us very often. i think i'll start though... with our generations' views on marriage and all the struggles that await us, i know that we'll need it.

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