Saturday, December 07, 2002


every year my college puts on a Christmas banquet for the students… but each year it subtly changes and morphs in little ways, somehow always remaining the same in essence. i've gone with large groups of friends and small groups of friends, dressed in sunday best and in prom finery. they even called it the "Christmas family dinner" one year in hopes of making it more a family-type celebration as opposed to the feeling of prom-night it had with everyone dressed up. another year theme tables were encouraged and people dressed up as farmers and grinches. this year, once again, it morphed back to women in fancy dresses and men in suits for the most part… and somehow, once again, like every year, we forgot for an evening that this celebration should be about the togetherness that the season of Christ's birth brings, and we got caught up in how we ourselves looked and what our friends were wearing and the person we had an eye on… how did they look, and what we could do afterwards with our friends as an after-banquet activity.

even at Bible college we loose the meaning of the season ever so easily.

"A barren woman can bear a child. A virgin can conceive. The Lord can enter into human history as a child. From a tomb can come resurrection, and the Holy Spirit can empower the church for it's worldwide mission. It is a promise in the future tense: with God nothing is impossible."

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