Sunday, December 08, 2002

"I see myself through tainted eyes"

so... i am supposed to be working on my "philosophy of youth ministry" for my essentials of youth and family ministry class that was due last monday but i got an extension until tomorrow, but i am "taking a break" and am surfing the net of course... oh the dangers of having the world piped into your bedroom. i would use it a lot less if my computer was in another room of my house. i think when i have a real house i will have it in another room so it's not so tempting. but after living in dorm for three and a half years i am just used to having all of my worldly possessions in one room.

we worked on yearbook for two hours this afternoon with the hopes of getting it all done, but our yearbook computer is pretty much maxed out to capacity with everything it can store, and it kept sending errors to the printer, and being generally stupid as computers often are, so we get "a break" until tomorrow afternoon at 2pm. so, i have approximately 15 hours left to get this paper done a a few little bitty ones as well. think i can do it? i am doubtful... i am the procrastinator of all procrastinators. i could be the head procrastinator. i could give procrastinating lessons and seminars. except i would put off planning them until the last minute and they wouldn't be any good anyways.

why did i ever start seminary anyways? why did i think graduate studies would be a good idea?

oh yeah, because it's where God led me. huh.

"Tonight I watched the sky
And saw the stars around me
Fiery consellations
It's oh so clear that
You're not silent"

- Mukala, "High"

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