Monday, December 16, 2002

100 things about me

1. I am 24 years old but I wish people didn't define me by age.

2. I've lived in 4 provinces and 1 territory in Canada, and 2 U.S. states.

3. I went to art school before starting Bible college.

4. I'm have not been a legal resident of any province since 1997.

5. I am enthralled with the colour of grass.

6. I like to wear chopsticks and paintbrushes in my hair.

7. I have a picture on my desk of me and my two sisters from when I was 8.

8. I used to go to my Gramma's for a week or two every summer growing up.

9. I became a Christian at age 13 after going to a youth retreat in the winter.

10. I love cherries. Eating them and decorating with cherry stuff.

11. I bought a Japanese action figure in a Mexican market.

12. the first music I ever bought was a cassette tape of Joey Lawrence.

13. I have an older sister, a younger sister, and a younger brother.

14. I never spend dimes, they go into my "so we can do something fun once we're married" fund.

15. I always wear a ring on my right ring finger, either my college grad ring or my grandmother's from 1937.

16. I still have my baby blanket. It's name is Bucky.

17. My favourite outfit is my light blue corduroy pants and a wool sweater.

18. I have a secret fascination with Glasgow roses.

19. I own three pairs of brown leather mules (shoes).

20. I really like cats but am not particularly fond of dogs.

21. Most of my jewelry I have made out of old jewelry found in my Gramma's attic.

22. I have a box full of cards and notes I have written to my future husband at various points in the past several years.

23. I really like sewing.

24. My bedspread is usually a quilt that I made, but sometimes changes to a fabulous green wool blanket I bought at a second
hand store.

25. I have a particular weakness for iced cappuccinos from Tim Horton's.

26. I will not have my B.A. until April but I'm currently doing graduate studies.

27. I got accepted into Canada's best art school, and I didn't go.

28. I spent a summer as a youth intern in Illinois.

29. I also spent a summer as a waitress at a fish restaurant in Canada's Yukon (beside Alaska).

30. I like to cut the pages out of old books and sew in new ones and make journals.

31. All summer, if I had the choice, I would only ever wear flip flops for shoes if I could.

32. If I were only allowed to choose 1 CD to listen to for the rest of my life, I would pick Jars of Clay's self-titled.

33. I love to read but often don't make enough time to do so.

34. I won a provincial short story writing contest at age 12.

35. My favourite pajamas are men's.

36. I love my navy peacoat.

37. I prefer winter clothes over summer ones.

38. I hate wearing shorts.

39. My favourite weather happens in the autumn.

40. I had over 100 pen pals when I was in high school.

41. I've been layout editor for our college yearbook for three years now.

42. I once wanted to be an actress.

43. I get extremely nervous about public speaking.

44. I lived in the same college dorm for three and a half years and loved it.

45. I get traveler's anxiety.

46. The longest consecutive bus trip I ever took was 98 hours straight.

47. I've been to ten different airports.

48. I've never read everything in the Bible.

49. I worry that I'm not nice enough.

50. People always tell me I'm funny. Never cool or pretty.

51. I kind of like the colour pink.

52. I like "A Walk to Remember"

53. A boy once told me I'm just like Jamie Sullivan. I'm not sure if that is a compliment or not.

54. I punched a boy in the face when we were in grade eleven.

55. I own over 40 sweaters.

56. Most of my high school friends I have not seen since graduation day.

57. I want to be married and have children.

58. I don't have my full driver's license and that embarrasses me.

59. Dark chocolate makes me projectile vomit.

60. I'm allergic to feathers.

61. My favourite college memories are of worship in The Landing.

62. I like poppies.

63. I only wear lavender perfume.

64. My favourite necklace is a pearl inside a silver heart that one of my mom's old boyfriends gave her before she met my dad.

65. I would like to learn to play the piano.

66. I always program my CD player to play at least three songs when I turn off the lights at night.

67. I like stargazing and watching the big dipper.

68. I would like to stand on Antarctica and visit England someday.

69. I like cutting paper and scrap booking and making collages.

70. I have a highly photographic memory.

71. I have Grave's Disease.

72. I still bite my nails.

73. My face is very expressive, especially my eyebrows.

74. I've been told I have great legs, this weirds me out.

75. I wish I could use Adobe Photoshop better.

76. I wouldn't mind being a graphic designer for a living.

77. I have never been kissed.

78. I'm not sure what I'm going to do once I'm finished my Master's degree next December.

79. I'm not sure what I should do next summer.

80. I write down a lot of quotes and file them away on my computer and print them out and make collages in a book.

81. I wonder if I've been in love.

82. I wonder if any guys that I liked have ever liked me.

83. I currently own 49 CDs.

84. I'm not a morning person and I love to sleep in.

85. I once had a severe reaction to a spider bite.

86. I worked at a private Jewish girls' camp as an arts and crafts instructor and a counselor for one summer.

87. I like to keep in touch.

88. I want to name a daughter after my Gramma.

89. I like memorizing people's middle names.

90. I would like to learn how to knit better and crochet.

91. I love bike riding.

92. I like autumn leaves a lot.

93. when I get new music I usually listen to it on constant repeat for about a week straight.

94. my mom was a model, no one ever believes me when I say this.

95. I like finding great vintage wool sweaters.

96. I've been told that I have the gift of discernment.

97. I used to always write with fountain pens.

98. I would really like a good camera.

99. I like what Zephaniah 3:17 says, but my favourite Bible verse always changes.

100. I am excited to see what God has in store for me, because I know it is greater than all I can hope or imagine.

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