Monday, November 11, 2002

bread and jam for frances

God is so cool. i think that i have learned more in the past week than i have in the past year and... that is cool.

i have learned that God is preparing me for something bigger than i ever even remotely expect.

i have learned that God has given me passions that i didn't know i had.

i have learned that God really does have it under control.

i have learned that these past four years were for a reason, but not the reason i thought they were.

i have learned that i don't know everything i think i know.

i have learned that it's okay if i don't have everything figured out.

i have learned to give the control from myself to to God.

i have learned to not give my friends control over my thoughts and opinions.

i have grown up.

and, i have learned to appreciate jam on toast once again. : )

I sit and watch my friends wave goodbye,
You are deeper than the oceans,
higher than the skies.
Greater than great,
more than i realized.
You are bigger than the heavens
sweeter than a kiss
I'm left to bow at Your greatness."

- Corey Doak, "End of Summer"

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