Tuesday, November 05, 2002

another day in the life of a graduate student

have been working on my thesis literature review... boring schmoooring. have not been out of the house today. the girls (lowana, leanne, leanne, and kaia) are coming over at 5:30 for supper. my plan is to get as much as i can get done until about 4:30 and then will cook up a storm, have supper, obligatory visiting (i am glad that they are coming and it will be fun, i just feel like i have so much to do. i miss eating in the college cafeteria, not the food, but the social aspect more so), then hopefully i can sneak off to the yearbook office and work on that for a few hours or so. i am so glad robert gave me the keys while he's gone, usually i have to go and work on it in the daytime when the offices in the academic building are all unlocked. but this way, i can go in the evening when i don't feel so much like doing homework, and i can do my homework in the afternoon when i feel like it. this is super.

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