Saturday, October 19, 2002

Had a long afternoon finishing the first sixteen pages of the yearbook with Melissa and Robert… actually technically the last sixteen pages of the book, funny how these things work out. I am actually not too disappointed with how they work, a few things I would have changed if it had just been me but you always have to compromise when you work on a team.

I would like to phone some friends in Ontario tonight, but it is unfortunately two hours later there than here in Saskatchewan so I think it’s a tad late now. :( I miss my camp friends from the summer, especially Chums. I still think it’s neat how I didn’t think I would be working at camp this summer and yet that is where I ended up and where God wanted me to be. I had such an awesome summer and learned much, it is so cool how God always has the best in mind for us.

Usually I like the fall the best, the weather is usually so nice, but I think that this year I actually preferred the summer. The autumn leaves are nice, but this summer I love the beautiful green-ness of southern Ontario.

I wonder where I will end up come next May or June. My last four summers have been spent in Ontario, Illinois, the Yukon, and Maine, what is next? :) God, what is next? I am excited to see what You have in store for me!

I however also know that this school year is not just a filler in between summer seasons. I am still struggling to find my place and my purpose here, and I look forward to seeing the year unfurl further.

”You’ve got nail prints on Your hands
You’ve got thorn prints on your brow
I don’t know how You do it
But You’re saving me right now

You’re so good to me
You see right through me
You’re so good to me
Like cool, cool water
If this is life, why can’t I live it?
If there’s a perfect love, then why can’t I give it?

I remember the past,
How I thought it would last
But it’s a bubble off in the sunset
I know that the time keeps passing me by
But You ain’t given up on me just yet
You’ve got healing in Your hands
You’ve got mercy in Your eyes
I don’t know how You do it
But You broke through my disguise

June comes soon, but then it’s gone
So I sit on my lawn, reminisce till dawn
Summetime was fine
But it’s cold outside tonight

June comes soon and the season’s dead
So I shake my head at the things I’ve said
The wind is in my sail
Even though I’m turning pale
I sit and watch my friends wave goodbye
You are deeper than the oceans, higher than the skies
Greater than great, more than I realize
You are bigger than the heavens, sweeter than a kiss
I’m left to bow at Your greatness.”
- “End of Summer,” by Corey Doak

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