Saturday, May 08, 2004

Stolen Survey

15 Years Ago, I:
1. Was eleven years old.
2. Won a provincial writing contest.
3. Wore a lot of mint green.
4. Thought grade six was the best.
5. Was not looking forward to junior high.

10 Years Ago, I:
1. Was 16 years old.
2. Was finishing grade 10.
3. Loved coloured jeans and my jean shirt.
4. Wanted desperately to be cool.
5. Listened to a lot of Mariah Carey and Richard Marx.

5 Years Ago, I:
1. Was 21.
2. Had just finished my last semester of art college.
3. Was looking forward to working in Maine for the summer.
4. Was still in Ontario and was having a horrible time.
5. Was unsure who I was and where I was going.

3 Years Ago, I:
1. Was 23.
2. Was getting ready to spend the summer in Illinois as a youth intern.
3. Got a few vaccinations for an upcoming missions trip to Mexico.
4. Was excited about where God was taking me.
5. Was looking forward to learning much still.

1 Year Ago, I:
1. Was at home getting ready for my second summer working at a camp in Ontario.
2. Spent a lot of time on MSN... seems like in May I always do!
3. Took a lot of photographs I still love.
4. Was looking forward to being done with school in the next year.
5. Was looking forward to another awesome summer.

4 Months Ago, I:
1. Started my last semester at school.
2. Was cold. January was very very very very cold.
3. Got my last haircut. I desperately want another one.
4. Went to visit my Gramma with my little sister for a week.
5. Did not do too terribly much homework.

Yesterday, I:
1. Redesigned two blog layouts.
2. Talked on MSN.
3. Talked to my friend Joanne.
4. Entertained Blackey.
5. Watched part of a really odd movie ("Boy Meets Girl") before I got bored and shut it off.

Today, I:
1. Had pizza for lunch.
2. Took the dog for a romp, talked to Norah, the donkey.
3. Watched the snowflakes fall (right now, they're doing it again!!!)
4. Read a bunch of YM blogs.
5. Made a card for one of the girls I stayed with in Illinois.

Tomorrow, I:
1. Don't really have any plans.
2. Assume I'll spend too much time on the internet.
3. Will probably sleep in.
4. Will chat with Norah again.
5. May do something constructive.

From Erin's blog.

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