Wednesday, September 15, 2004

A Good Name*

I have been trying to decide on a name for my car. At first I was trying to decide whether to name it at all. I always used to say that when I got a car I was going to paint a cob of corn on the side of it and call it "Corny," but I don't really want to do that any more.

I was thinking of perhaps naming it in homage to one of the bumper stickers it came festooned with, but then I decided that would be too much referring to the characteristics of it's previous owner and not my owning of the car.

Then I was thinking I should call it "Red," like Jordan Catalano so aptly named his car in "My So-Called Life," but every time I called it that I would remember the disappointment that Angela had when she found out the song he wrote was in fact about his car and not about her.

So I still haven't decided on a name. I have decided however, that it reminds me very much of a car that could lead a second life as a cartoon character. It's just cute in that cartoon-y sort of way.

And it has a very roomy trunk. And it's shockingly clean. I'm very happy to own a car whose previous owner seems to have been immaculate in their car care tactics. In my head it's a guy who owned my car before, so I'm surprised that it's so clean.

But cleanliness is a very good thing. Thank you previous car owner.

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