Tuesday, August 31, 2004

"Chillin' Like a Villain"

A guy I worked with in the Yukon used to always use that phrase and I have always been quite fond of it.

I am currently housesitting until Sunday for Heather's family near Toronto... looking after the cat and basically killing time until I know what I'm doing next. I should know later this week sometime if I have the job I interviewed for last week or not.

Yesterday my friend Holly of the dead blog a day in the life of vegetation came to visit me so that was super cool, I hadn't seen her since June. We went to Wimpy's Diner and then we went to a party store and I made up a "Family Trip Survival Kit" for the family I'm housesitting for. I got lots of little car games and trivia books and a whoppee cushion and little toys and candy necklaces and pens and stuff like that. Holly and I also went to a bunch of home decor and houseware stores and looked at kitchen and bathroom and bedroom stuff. Oh, and we also went to Old Navy and I got two new t-shirts. I have this shopping problem... I can always find t-shirts I like but I don't actually need any more t-shirts. It's just they're cooler than everything else and cheaper. I don't like shopping for pants... they're always more expensive and usually aren't quite as fun as t-shirts. But what if my next job does not allow for the wearing of t-shirts? What will I do then? I'll have to develop almost an entirely new wardrobe.

Anyway, I'm kind of hungry so I'm going to wrangle up some lunch. Email me if you're bored, or leave a comment. I like communication. :)

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