Tuesday, April 20, 2004

My Trip to the Emergency Room

So, my friend Leanne asked me to fix her backpack for her, so last night before supper, I dug out my housemate Rachel's sewing machine and proceeded to sew away.

We had a few people over for supper. Dan, a guy me and my roommate know got back from a missions trip to Slovakia and the Chech Republic yesterday, was cooking burgers outside on the BBQ. Jodi was busy in the kitchen. Keith and Greg and Josh were in the living room.

And, as sometimes happens, the needle on the sewing machine broke. But it didn't just break, part of it FLEW UP MY NOSE.

What do you do when part of a sewing machine needle flies up your nose? I don't know what you'd do, but I started to freak out. Jodi and Dan didn't quite seem to understand that I had a metal sliver up my nostril.

And when I asked Jodi to find her flashlight so I could look up my nose, she laughed a lot, but eventually figured out that I was serious. Someone called in the midst of it all, and I had no idea. I was tetering on the brink of passing out. Jodi never found her flashlight.

Eventually I got Jodi to dial the doctor on campus' number, and I talked to him, and went over to his office, and he dug around in my nose and couldn't find it. He said there were two possibilities: either it was way back there, or it had fallen out already and so I should go and look for the pieces at home.

So I went home and looked around for the pieces. I found two. They didn't fit together perfectly, so that meant there was at least a third renegade piece out there somewhere. Dr. J said I could go to the Emergency Room later and get an x-ray taken if I still thought it was in there, and since Jodi was going to Moose Jaw anyways, I went.

But first we had supper and stuff. But imagine eating and stuff when you're worried that you have a shard of metal up your nose. I'm not sure if I was just uber-paranoid, or if it was because I had just had a doctor poking around in my nose, but it felt like something was up there.

So, anyways, I went to the hospital and had to tell the story to four more people... the receptionist lady, the emergency lady, the x-ray lady, and the doctor. I got to wear a neat hospital bracelet though. And they x-rayed my nose twice.

But they couldn't find it. The doctor said I probably blew it out. That's a good thing I guess.

Unless, you know, it's lodged somewhere in my lungs.

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