Thursday, April 01, 2004


I borrowed this from Chloe. I hope she doesn't mind. :)

A - Age: twentyfive. When people tell me they're 25 I think they're old.
B - Band: Jars of Clay. Well, it changes sometimes. Sometimes I like Switchfoot more.
C - Choice Of Meat: Chicken.
D - Dream Date: Hmm… that’s a toughie. I think any date would be fun if it was with the right person.
E - Excites You: Scrapbooking. I know, I’m a lame-o.
F - Favorite Food: I like pizza. But I think my favourite food is this really good stirfry that I make.
G - Greatest Gift: God’s love.
H - Happiest Day Of Your Life: Many have been happy.
I - Ice Cream: Vanilla with those chocolate stringy things in it that President’s Choice makes, my relatives always call it worm icecream.
J - Jelly Bean: Buttered popcorn. You know, the Jelly Belly ones.
K - Kool Aid: I don’t particularly like fake juice.
L - Love: I love many things… sunshine, flip flops, softly falling snow, crisp winter air, a starry night, blooming flowers, friends and friendships, Jesus my redeemer.
M - Most Valuable Thing You Own: My camera, a Pentax MZ-6.
N - Name I Like: I like the name Gardenia Lily Mae.
O - Outfit I Love: Corduroy pants and a wool sweater.
P - Pizza Topping: Cheese. Cheese is pretty much always good.
Q - Question I want to ask: What was it really like to live in the olden days?
R - Roots: Who has roots any more?
S - Sport to watch: Maybe figure skating?
T - TV show: I haven’t watched tv since Christmas.
U - Unique habits: Tying my shoelaces different than everyone else I know.
V - View from the window: A cruddy lawn and fences and trailers. I don’t live in a trailer, but everyone behind me does.
W - Weather I Love: I like all of the seasons, they’re each unique. I always liked autumn the best, but I’ve become somewhat partial to summer lately.
X - X-Ray? I think my last one was when I had a chest cold in the eighth grade.
Y - Yesterday's best moment: Going to bed.
Z - Zoo's, ya like 'em? Oh goodness me, no. I think zoos are gross. I don’t want to see animals in cages that smell like poo. And it costs $17 to go to the Toronto Zoo! (just to warn you, in case someone asks you if you want to go and you didn’t know that it cost a small fortune).

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