Saturday, March 06, 2004


Reading, formatting, and typing survey results all day could make you go crazy. I would be one of these crazy people if no one had written anything that I have found humourous.

I don't know if it is uncouth or improper to publish this, but a list of some of my favourites so far include:

11. Have you ever had any problems with an "internet stalker," or have you ever had inappropriate comments left on your site? If yes, please elaborate.

- No. I've joked that I wanted a stalker, though.

- Not yet. I've been pleasantly surprised by not having this problem.

- Not to my knowledge.

- The only inappropriate comments are from those blasted spammers.

- A few comments, probably left by some bored teenagers.

31. What/who first introduced you to blogging?

- Search engines. Then reading Jordon Cooper. (I bet THAT's a popular answer).

40. What kind of church do you attend?

- I have no comment.

- Evangelical Friend. Now that you're confused, I'll say that you probably would know us better by the term "Quaker". No, we are not the Amish. No, we are nothing like the Menononites (sp?). Yes, I own a TV, Video Game Systems, and a Computer. No, we don't all dress like the Quaker Oats guy. There was a girl I was interested in dating once who asked me about my faith. When I told her she was like "Oh, I know all about you! You drive buggies and stuff right?"... Nooooo....

18. What is your opinion of the concept of blogging as a means of ministry, as a way to reach out/minister to other Christians and/or non-Christians?

- Excellent now that I think about it.. Thank you for the thought provoking questions!!

- Good idea, if that's your call. There is much evil on the internet. It ought to be counterbalanced by the good the true and the beautiful somehow!

- It is an excellent, if sometimes frustrating mechanism.

- It depends on how it's done. For instance, blogs4God and Heal Your Church Website are really excellent ministries... but I've come up against some theo-blogs that I've thought were downright snotty.

10. Are those close to you aware that you blog?

- Only my better half :)

And my #1 favourite so far:

17. How many of those on your blogroll would you consider to be Christian bloggers?

All of them. So, is this like Contemporary Christian Music? I don't know if I can associate myself with that...

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